Ingliz tili fanidan mashg’ulot ishlanma «Fruits» Ushbu mashg’ulot ishlanma maktabgacha ta’lim muasssasalarida tashkil etilgan ingliz tili to’garaglari uchun tayyorlangan.Subject: English1). Group: Big group2). The theme: Fruits3). Educator: G.Kuziboyeva4). Materials:a) Pictures;b) Cards, toys;c) Blackboard, music;d) Computer and others;Content objectives:Development of oval speech using cardinal numbers.To enlarge vocabulary, to speak English each other.To answer the questions, to learn by heart the poem.Language objectives:ListeningSpeakingGoing of the lesson.Greeting:Teacher: Good morning children.Children: Good morning teacher.Teacher: How are you?Children: ok!Questions: – (Savollar)Teacher: What is your name?Children: My name is….Teacher: Where are you from?Children: I am from Uzbekistan.Teacher: Where is the capital of Uzbekistan?Children: Tashkent is the capital of Uzbekistan.Teacher: Who is president of Uzbekistan?Children: Sh.M.Mirziyayev president of Uzbekistan.Teacher: Where do your life?Children: I live in Xonobod.Teacher: How old are you?Children: I am 6 years old.Teacher: Please tell me about your family.Children: I have father, mother, sister, brother.Teacher: Lest count 1 to 10.Children: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.Teacher: What colour is it?Children: It is (red, blue, yellow, green…)Teacher: Children tell about collour.Children: I see green. I see yellow. I see this funny yellow.Teacher: Tell me about seasons. (Bolalar fasllar haqida aytadilar!)Children: Spring, summer, autumn, winter.Teacher: Thank you children. Now music time.(Bolalar musiqa ostida mashq bajaradilar.) The theme(Yangi mavzu):Teacher: The theme is “Fruits”New words is a apples, a cherry, a pear, a strawberry…. (Bolalar meva o’yinchoqlarni aytadilar.)(Mashqda ishlatiladigan iboralar.)What is this? – It is apples.What colour is the apple? – It is green.Count these fruits.Show me a pear.Come here.(Mevalar rasmi ko’rsatiladi.)SongTeacher: Sing the song about “Fruits”“Yummy yummy” (Bolalar kompyuterda multfilm tomosha qilishadi va qo’shig’ini aytishadi.)Yummy yummy to my tummy tummy.Apple, apple I like appleBanana, banana, I like banana.Yummy yummy to my tummy tummy.Teacher: Thank you my dear kids! Now play is the game “Funny telephone”. (Bolalar “Qiziqarli telefon” o’yinini o’ynashadilar.)Jismoniy tanafusHands up clap, clap, clap.Hands down shake, shake, shake.One, two, three Hop.One, two, three Stop.HomeworkLearn by heart new word and song. See you next time.Good bye!!!Fruits (Mevalar):An apple – olma.A pear – nok.Melon – qovun.Watermelon – tarvuz.Grapes – uzum.Strawberry – qulpunay.Cherry – gilos.Banana – banan.Lemon – limon.Peach – shaftoli. G.KUZIBOYEVA, 15-MTM Darsliklar 0 1 2 3 4 5 Жалоба 3 0 1-05-2024, 06:20